Work in Progress

I am currently working my way through the Charlie Parker series by John Connolly and the art side of my life is slowing down, but just a bit. I have three pieces hanging out in the house, under books or drying in the sun or stalled due to mediocrity (as defined by me...after all who's opinion matters more).

Also due to my work schedule I'm locked in to sending some stuff out on Thursday, my day off. Of course I don't know which ones to send, who to send them to or if I can really consider them finished...

But here's my mental list of what is sitting around the house...
  1. Keyhole collage
  2. Modern Pastoral
  3. Trees, attempt number 1
  4. Champagne & Dorothy Parker
(I know not the most descriptive of lists, although the trees one is pretty easy to connect some dots on...)

Only one has a definite person to which it will be the conclusion here is I need to get in gear and do some things.

I don't know if this is a thing or a feeling or a consequence (which are all things of a sort huh? I speak English I swear) but sometimes when I pick up a piece and do a touch here or there on it or sort through the scraps I've already clipped out of a magazine I can end up creating something totally new. No planning, no thinking that "I'm going to create a new piece..." Just a hmmmmm and oh, and how 'bout that and suddenly I realized I've been working for a long time (ignoring the rerun of NCIS playing in the background) and I have a whole new project started...It's one of those good feelings.

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