Seal it up

In the back of my head there is a reoccurring argument about how I am going to attempt sealing some of the collage pieces I've made (all two of them). Part of me really wants to just varnish those suckers so the surfaces is heavy, smooth and yes, glossy.

But of course, I couldn't just head into this without some advice. (Well, I could and frequently do but there could be issues I haven't even thought of -- besides the cost of postage -- that need to be considered before choosing my poison.)

First was E-How's "How to make a collage". A very simple and straight forward use of the glue and water to seal off your masterpiece. Of course you have to read all the directions and find this tidbit down in the TIPS section. This will apparently seal but is it glossy enough for me? (Can you tell I get distracted by shiny things?)

What I found more useful was a collage discussion page on Flickr and this time it was centered on "How do I seal a paper collage?". 

Low and behold there are more issues then turning your collage into a glossy picture of perfection. I felt almost shamed for using a glue stick instead of rubber cement and not even considering the issue of warping and paper crinkles (of course I don't consider warping so much a problem as a reason to keep all my really cool but totally heavy oversized art books).

I haven't had a chance to go shopping to round off my supplies as I play with the glossy and sealed debate. On my list however are simple Elmer's glue, a small paint brush, some shellac or varnish (especially if it comes in an aerosol) and clear nail polish (my mom suggested it and I really want to try it out now....).

I am certain of one thing, I'm going to have a lot of fun trying...

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