Light Bulb

I had started a post earlier today then I did some work on a new piece and it was while I was working that I had a revelation (which naturally caused me to actually say out loud: Light Bulb).

(Yes, I stole that line from Despicable Me. I am genetically part thief, the other half is a total hardline, this is the law, kind of person. I don't know how I escaped having multiple personalities when I have such contradictory characteristics. Shrug.)

I was working on these tiny tiny flowers trying to cut them out as precise as possible and I realized that at a certain point, I was done. I no longer had it in me to sit and work without thinking of the exact knife as a tool for vengence.

So I worked with other stuff I had already cut out. I'm not unhappy with the newly finished piece (and once again I have a sendee in mind) but. Yes there is a but here. (And if my humor was  a little more juvenile.. .oh heck, it is. I said butt...heheh.) It didn't come out as planned, again more simple than the intricate masterpiece I was planning.

Thus revealing two flaws I try so hard to work around....

I lack patience. I do not have it in me to cut out these itty bitty little flowers to create my vision. I settle. I could spin this as creative problem solving, but it really is plain old laziness. Sloth. (How often do things get ruled out simply because they are beyond the amount of time and effort we wish to give for the results?)

My second flaw became apparent as  I worked tirelessly to fight against it this evening. (Oh, so brave. Yes I am speaking of me...seriously, almost). I don't know when to stop. I will keep adding unnecessary details, extra little do-hickeys unless I have a good reason...(like the promised foot massage I am looking forward to tonight.) Which is how I ended up with the following piece:

(I'm pretty sure that yellow spot is completely unnecessary and that both the gate and words (Live your dream or some such nonsense) in the background could have been saved for another day.)

IF is mostly a combination of various images I collected from brochures and magazines with some ribbon and marker to give it some kick. Had you read my previous posts you would be prepared for the orangeness that is IF. I think I ended up wielding both the glue stick and turbo tacky glue to create this sucker.

Alas it has no sendee (yes I know sendee is not a real word) and it still needs to be sealed some how (and I wish it to be glossy) but it will eventually find a home or a place in someone else trash bin.

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