One day...

So, (I begin so many things this way, perhaps writing on a daily basis will allow me to correct such annoying behavior...I also have many asides sitting smack dab in the middle of my posts) one day at work I was working on an interlibrary loan with a patron for this interesting contemporary art magazine anthology, Hi-fructose vol 1, and as she works over at a local post office we begin talking about mail...

I love getting mail, real mail: Letters, cards, postcards. They have to have some substance to them as well, a card with a cool graphic or a letter filled with different thoughts and weird ideas. Postcards with fake names written instead of my own (I have to admit here that I never have received such a postcard, I'm often the sender: Here's to you Sailor Rosner and Ma & Pa Kettle).

Upon this revelation, the patron begins telling me about mail art (I know I'm referencing wikipedia and I'm a librarian but it is a good general description with history and this isn't an academice paper). Basically artists create these mailable works of art, letter or postcard, and send them out to different people who place calls for pieces. She told me to look it I did.

I'll get more into what I found but what I realized was this is for me. I'm not a real artists in any sense, but I do love to create and I love getting mail....


Welcome to Amateur Hour, my adventures in mail art....

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