Mail it

As I am still struggling with my night sky, and am resolved to not actively think about other projects (that is I am trying not to think about the tree picture I took while hiking the paths on Mount Jefferson and how much I've always wanted to do something around the way leafless trees look against the sky).

See how good I am at ignoring it...

So I thought I'd share some of my mailart research with you. These links were the ones I thought sounded really cool that I found on the other links page of the postcrossing website. Some are about sharing an object and watching it travel the world (think of that gnome in the Amelie movie) and sometimes it about sharing a creation.

Mostly I just wish I was either talented enough or a lot less stingy to take part in some of these sites:

(and they are arranged in a ranked listing, starting with the ones I'm most interested in)
  1. postcrossing: send a postcard, get a postcard from around the world
  2. ToyVoyagers: oh yes, toys traveling the world depending on the kindness of strangers
  3. International Girl Aereogrammes: making a letter that is also the envelope and mailing it
  4. PostSecret: you have probably heard of this one but who doesn't enjoy a little cathartic release now and then
  5. BookCrossing: Share your books with people all over the world who wish to read them...
I love and hate the BookCrossings because what is more fun than sharing books with people who want to read them (hello, librarian). Hate because if say, one of my books is out there hopping around the globe, I can't read it and that upsets me.

See, I said I was stingy.

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