Over the course of a couple days, whatever I'm working on in the library draws my attention to a number of books. I check them out planning to read them and at the end of maybe three days, I have a stack of at least six books on my kitchen table waiting to be read.
And they sit there, sit there, sit there...still there about a month to six weeks later.
I've been trying break the cycle, so instead of creating little pieces of mediocre art to mail out, I've been reading....and reading and reading....
So, two cheers for me, I cleared my latest pile. (Of course some I simply returned, others I read the first paragraph and said no way....) but the important thing here is for once I made it throught the stack and half of it got read. (Instead of sitting around even longer and then getting returned without reading).
So here's a list of what was in the pile (I won't tell you what got read or re-read or returned without being opened or skipped due to disgust to the first paragraphs -- that might be helpful but why should I be helpful here?):
- The Whisperers, John Connolly
- Raziel (The Fallen), Kristina Douglas
- Unfamiliar Fishes, Sarah Vowels
- The Physic Book of Deliverance Dane, Katherine Howe
- The Darkest Secret, Gena Showalter
- Quicksilver, Amanda Quick
- Blood Oath, Christopher Farnsworth
- Predatory Game, Christine Feehan
(St. Lucy's Home for Girls raised by Wolves or the Peanut Butter Murders)